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Welcome to Tarot & Me 

and thank you for coming.

My name is Ana Carina and Tarot started as something funny that I never thought I would master. Three weeks later, I got stuck in a reading for myself and took one all day trying to figure out what the Queen of Cups was trying to tell me. When I finally realized, I cried my eyes out and realized Tarot was no longer a game, but a way to find answers to questions I was repressing in my mind. That's when I bought my second deck.

I've only been reading for 7 months, but I already feel very comfortable in my work. I've been practicing in Facebook groups and being asked for private readings on that account. My artistic background allows my intuition to dive deeper into the cards, going beyond their traditional meanings. I've developed my skills through watching John Balantrae's videos online, a Tarot guru, who taught me one of the most important messages Tarot can give is the way to achieve our goals and also the importance of reading between the lines. He also opened me to the wonderful world of Numerology, which I now apply in my readings. At the moment, I attend Vincent Pitisci's Tarot gatherings with a mix of experienced and new readers where we exchange knowledge about different ways of approaching cards and questions. Since I've always been very curious, learning is my fuel for understanding, that's why studying will always be an important part of my process.
Why should you consider my readings?    
I realized I was ready to venture out by myself when I discovered my strengths as a reader, and the main one comes from my artistic and academic background: writing. Writing has always been a passion in my life, and Tarot allows me to express both of them together. That is, if you choose me as your reader, you get to keep your reading with you. You have the time to let all the information sink in and then come back to it later. We all know a reading gives us a lot of information from which we can only retain pieces, but having it written down means you can print it and put it in your purse, on your night stand, in your office, stick it in your fridge, and also underline the most important parts you need to pay attention to.

How to book a reading with me?
You only need to email me at with your question and an overview of the situation, and I will get back to you with your reading. Normally it will take me 24 to 72 hours to answer back, but if it is an emergency, you can contact me on social media and I'll do it as soon as I can. After the reading, I am available to answer any questions you have, but if a new question arises from that, I'll have to consider it a new reading (follow-up reading).

 How much do I charge?

General reading, regardless of subject: 15€
Specific reading: 20€
Follow up reading: 10€
Priority Fee: 5€

All tarot readings are for Entertainment Purposes ONLY. You are responsible for your own life and decisions. As tarot reader I am not qualified to give Medical, Legal or Financial Advice, and I take no responsibility for individual interpretations.


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